Thursday, June 21, 2012

How to Find new customers with LinkedIn - PART6

Before you start with these tips, you need as you in the first part of this series may have read well you first define target group and your LinkedIn network to build. We also shared the previous weeks one and two, strategies strategies already three and four and five and six and finally strategies strategy 7.
Below you can find eight, nine and ten to strategy to find new customers:
Strategy 8: look at "Network Updates"

An interesting source of information is the "Network Activity" or the "Network Updates". You see them on your "homepage" and you also receive via email, if you have that option not deposed.

There are many "Network Updates" that you can click on or off. These are the ones for you ever might be of interest:

New Connections in your Network (new connections in your network). Not so long is also the "Professional Headline" shown when people link with each other. That way you can often discover new potential customers. Another way this can help you when you see that a customer links with one of your counterparts, you then could contact to insure that you are still "top of mind".
Status Updates from your Connections and Posts from your Connections. By a message to comment or "liken" do you love yourself on the radar of your network.
When connections change Profile information (when connections change their profile information). You can congratulate them on a new project or a new position. When you contact of position changes, can you ask him to become his successor proposed. If they change of organization, you can ask them for an introduction and possibly supplier of their next company. Or when a connection comes suddenly in a position in which they appear in the possibility to buy your products or services, then you will want to know this. As a recruiter, you can discover that someone who does not fit in the picture (for example, because they lived in a different country), now known as a suitable candidate.
Groups your connections have joined or created (groups who have established or joined your connections). This is another way to find interesting groups join itself.

Strategy 9: change your Profile Settings

When we ask people in our workshops or presentations to agree who the "who's Viewed Your Profile" feature, confirm that she has looked most have already done so. With the following question: "who wants to know who those people are with a description like" someone from the bank industry in the region of Amsterdam ", go almost all hands in the air. And if there is asked how she can find, this most replies: "you need to upgrade your account paying".

However, that is not true and one of the biggest misunderstandings regarding LinkedIn. You can never see unless they allow you somebody's profile, whether you're a basic (free) account or a paying.

Since we have no direct impact on what others are doing, it is interesting to reverse the situation. When you allows others to see who you are when you visit their profile, this may be to your advantage.

Our personal experience is that in some cases potential clients call us after we have visited their profile and they can see who we are. The difference is that they take the initiative, which is much stronger than when you do that yourself.

Does this happen often? No, but many little ones make one great and it is a strategy that no money and very little time.

This Is a good strategy for everyone? No, not always. Sometimes you want more remain anonymous. LinkedIn gives you that possibility. But, if you're in that "mode", you can not see who has visited your profile.

To change the settings around what people see, follow these steps:

At the top of the page, click on "Your Name/Settings".
Log in again (this is a security check).
Scroll down and in the middle of the page click "Select what others see when you have viewed their Profile".
Choose "Your Name and Headline".
Click "Save Changes" (save changes).

If you're not into the anonymous mode you can see a few profile statistics (if you click on "who's viewed my Profile" on your "homepage" or on your own profile). What you will see depends on whether you have a basic (free) account or a paying account.

These are the statistics that you will see:

Profile Stats. Available for free account holders just like you your name and Professional Headline shows up when others view their profile. It shows:

To 5 results of whom has viewed your profile.
Number of visits to your profile.
Number of times that you're featured in search results.

Profile Stats Pro. Available for all premium account holders. It shows:

The full list of who has visited your profile (Note: you will not see additional information about that visitor if they have elected to remain anonymous in their "privacy" settings).
Total number of visits to your profile.
Number of times that you're featured in search results.
Classes of people who look to your profile.

These additional statistics about who has viewed your profile if you have a paying account, are therefore still reasonably basic and General. For us, it is certainly no reason to upgrade our account. But who knows, LinkedIn still comes with interesting extras in the future.
Strategy 10: create "Alerts"

We have the most powerful strategy for last kept.

LinkedIn allows you to create so-called "alerts" every time so you don't need to go to LinkedIn to search again.

How to make these "alerts"?

Go to "Advanced Search" and create a search with the parameters from your preparation.
Watch the search results you get. If you've found the right people, go to step 3. If not, then refine your search until you are satisfied with the result.
In addition to the number of results you click on "Save". You're going to save this search. In other words create an "alert".
Enter the saved search ("Saved Search") a name.
Choose the frequency for your "email alert": weekly, monthly or never. Weekly means you get an email every week, monthly each month and never should go to the website that you go to the search results look. We suggest that you select "weekly" (weekly) and then on "save" button.

What will happen now? LinkedIn will automatically wrap and this search for you your results emailed to yourself. Clicking on the link, you simply need to look at their profile and find out who you know common!

With a basic (free) account you can keep up to 3 searches. If you pay and your account "upgrade", you can have more (this is depending on which registration model you choose).

If you go to the results of the searches that you want to watch or have kept them customize/erase: you can find them via: "Advanced Search" ("Advanced" link on your "homepage") and then button 4 "Saved Searches".

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