Before you start with these tips, you need as you in the first part of this series may have read well you first define target group and your LinkedIn network to build. We also shared the previous weeks one and two, strategies strategies already three and four and five and six strategies.
Below you can find seven strategy in order to find new customers:
Strategy 7: use the "Company Profiles"
Another approach is to find the right people to search for them via the organization where they work or through the company where she owns his.
There are several ways to get the information in the "Company Profiles" to use to find the right people.
Step 1: find the right Organization
The easiest is if you already know the name of the organization. Go to "Companies" (top menu) and enter the name of the organisation you are looking for in the search field.
If you do not know the name of the Organization, but a few parameters, use the "Search Companies" function. Which can be found under "Companies" (top menu) and then the second button. Immediately get a "results list" of all the companies on LinkedIn. On the left you can refine the search. These are the parameters that you can use:
Keywords (key words): free text.
"Headquarters only" (only the head office): "Yes" or "No" (default).
"Locations": enter the city name in or refine it afterwards if you the results of your search.
Job Opportunities (vacancies): choose whether you want to select only the companies with vacancies on LinkedIn or not (default).
Industry: enter the name of a class or refine later if you zoekresutaten the back.
Relationship: all LinkedIn members, just 1st grade 2nd degree contacts, contacts, just just 3rd degree and beyond. Or a combination.
Company size (company size): you can make a selection between self-employed (1-10 employees) and very large organizations (10,000 +).
Number of followers (number of followers): you can make a selection between a few followers (1-50) and organizations with many followers (5,000 +).
Fortune: you can refine the search results of the Fortune 50 to 1000.
Note: If you have a basic (free) account, gives you a possibility of paying the Company search options in the "Advanced Search for People" to get around. In the "Advanced Search" you can not Fortune 1000 business size or use as a parameter, unless you have a paying account.
Tip: If you don't know what the current name of the company is, you could also try a product or service into the search box. For example: Apple iPad and you will see that, type in the search results. Because not all companies their products or services in their "Overview" (overview), this tip will not always work.
Step 2: useful information on a Company Profile
The interesting to the LinkedIn Company Profiles is that most information comes from the profiles of people who work or have worked for this company. This has its advantages and disadvantages. The advantage is that a marketing or PR Department of the information does not affect. The downside is that not all data are current, because it is to all individuals to their personal LinkedIn profile to keep up-to-date.
What useful information can we get from the Company Profile?
The first page is the summary page(Overview page). Besides some general information you may receive the following useful:
Immediately you can see the first 5 people you know within the Organization (under the button "Your Network"). This gives immediate insight into your connections. Why is this useful? Because you maybe these people forget was when was your goals or maybe there is someone of company changed without that you knew.
The tab "Your College Alumni" gives you the people with whom you go to the same school, college, college or University've been (this comes from the "Education" in both their field if your profile). In some cases this can benefit you. Why? Because a common training Institute have sometimes forge strong ties even before you've met. The other much more open to you request.
The tab "New Hires" gives you an overview of the people who have indicated that they started on their profile with this organization. This may be interesting information regarding hiring, selecting or delivers services if you're educating people. After all, you cannot deduce that there are opportunities for you. At the bottom of this field, you can click on the "See all Activity" (see all activity) link. You get an overview of what happened with all the people that work for this company on LinkedIn. You can filter this in many ways: Profile Changes (changes to profile), New Hires (recently adopted), Recent Departures (recently departed), Promotions & Changes (promotions & changes), Status Updates, Job Postings (jobs) and Products & Services (products and services). Note: we have noticed that this last functions do not always work equally well, hopefully soon there LinkedIn.
Follow a Company(follow a company). Top right you can click the button to "follow" a company. "Why would you want to do that?", was our first response until we on the small arrow next to the "Following" button pressed (= the same button as the "Follow" button once you've clicked on it). If you do, you'll see what will happen and can you refine how you wish to receive this information.
Content: "I want to be notified when"(I want to be alerted as):
Employees leave or are promoted or recruited, layoffs in the first 3 degrees of your network ("in my network" to them) or all employees ("all employees").This is very interesting information:
It helps to be informed when your contacts change position to congratulate them and to them first so ask you to propose to their successor.
If she wants to change them both to an organization you on their radar to possibly introduction questions as a supplier of their next company.
Or if you had with the purchaser and click No personal if that was the only reason why you have never done business with this buyer and that changes of position, then this could be perhaps a good impetus for you to see if you have a chance at the new purchaser.
New job opportunities (New Job Opportunities). If you're looking for a new job or someone helps to find one, this is an excellent way to be kept informed. Instead of having to search for every day on LinkedIn, you can get an overview new vacancies for all companies who follows you.
Updates of the company profiles (Company Profile Updates). This option is for most more informative than that they there is a direct benefit. But it can be interesting to see what new products and services a business to add his profile, what developments there are or what opportunities there might be for a partnership.
I want to be notified by Network Updates (I want to be alerted by network updates).
Weekly or daily Email digest:(daily or weekly email list). This concerns all companies who follows you.
Apply these settings to match your preferences. If you're looking for work, would you like to receive this information daily, but if you're just "curious", you want this information maybe just received via "Network Updates".
Check out insightful statistics about(Look for insightful statistics about) this company (on the right). When you click on this link you will come to a new page with information and statistics derived from the personal LinkedIn profiles and their behaviour on LinkedIn. There is a lot of information available, so take a look there. This is information that may be helpful:
You can find statistics about job functions (Job Functions), years of experience (Years Experience), training degree (Educational Degree) and University (University Attended). The "University Attended" statistics may be useful for recruiters as they do you see which universities campus recruitment: first, most employees have supplied (so that the potential is present) and then you can find colleagues who have studied there and yours can help with personal testimonies and a few connections. Maybe they want to also get involved with the campus recruitingteam.
Under "People also viewed" (people also looked to) you get a selection of other business profiles that were visited by people who also looked to the company where you are now looking at. Usually this will be yours direct produce counterparts (we prefer this word above "competitors"). These could be your next prospects!
On the right side of the page you will see "where employees came from before they joined" (where workers came from before she started at) the company where you are watching and "where they go afterwards" (where they go afterwards). This may also yield new ideas in terms of prospects.
A possible disadvantage of the use of "Companies" to find the right people is that many companies in different countries have different work or independent subsidiaries and have no clear strategy on LinkedIn here.
What is the result? For example: when you view the Company Profile of an international company with headquarters in the United States, you wouldn't be able to find the right people in Belgium or Netherlands. Why? Because you might get too many results or because they are linked to another Company Profile than what you are looking for.
So keep in mind that you don't always find the right information for you, but you certainly use the possibilities that LinkedIn Company Profiles in terms of offers!
PART - 6
Below you can find seven strategy in order to find new customers:
Strategy 7: use the "Company Profiles"
Another approach is to find the right people to search for them via the organization where they work or through the company where she owns his.
There are several ways to get the information in the "Company Profiles" to use to find the right people.
Step 1: find the right Organization
The easiest is if you already know the name of the organization. Go to "Companies" (top menu) and enter the name of the organisation you are looking for in the search field.
If you do not know the name of the Organization, but a few parameters, use the "Search Companies" function. Which can be found under "Companies" (top menu) and then the second button. Immediately get a "results list" of all the companies on LinkedIn. On the left you can refine the search. These are the parameters that you can use:
Keywords (key words): free text.
"Headquarters only" (only the head office): "Yes" or "No" (default).
"Locations": enter the city name in or refine it afterwards if you the results of your search.
Job Opportunities (vacancies): choose whether you want to select only the companies with vacancies on LinkedIn or not (default).
Industry: enter the name of a class or refine later if you zoekresutaten the back.
Relationship: all LinkedIn members, just 1st grade 2nd degree contacts, contacts, just just 3rd degree and beyond. Or a combination.
Company size (company size): you can make a selection between self-employed (1-10 employees) and very large organizations (10,000 +).
Number of followers (number of followers): you can make a selection between a few followers (1-50) and organizations with many followers (5,000 +).
Fortune: you can refine the search results of the Fortune 50 to 1000.
Note: If you have a basic (free) account, gives you a possibility of paying the Company search options in the "Advanced Search for People" to get around. In the "Advanced Search" you can not Fortune 1000 business size or use as a parameter, unless you have a paying account.
Tip: If you don't know what the current name of the company is, you could also try a product or service into the search box. For example: Apple iPad and you will see that, type in the search results. Because not all companies their products or services in their "Overview" (overview), this tip will not always work.
Step 2: useful information on a Company Profile
The interesting to the LinkedIn Company Profiles is that most information comes from the profiles of people who work or have worked for this company. This has its advantages and disadvantages. The advantage is that a marketing or PR Department of the information does not affect. The downside is that not all data are current, because it is to all individuals to their personal LinkedIn profile to keep up-to-date.
What useful information can we get from the Company Profile?
The first page is the summary page(Overview page). Besides some general information you may receive the following useful:
Immediately you can see the first 5 people you know within the Organization (under the button "Your Network"). This gives immediate insight into your connections. Why is this useful? Because you maybe these people forget was when was your goals or maybe there is someone of company changed without that you knew.
The tab "Your College Alumni" gives you the people with whom you go to the same school, college, college or University've been (this comes from the "Education" in both their field if your profile). In some cases this can benefit you. Why? Because a common training Institute have sometimes forge strong ties even before you've met. The other much more open to you request.
The tab "New Hires" gives you an overview of the people who have indicated that they started on their profile with this organization. This may be interesting information regarding hiring, selecting or delivers services if you're educating people. After all, you cannot deduce that there are opportunities for you. At the bottom of this field, you can click on the "See all Activity" (see all activity) link. You get an overview of what happened with all the people that work for this company on LinkedIn. You can filter this in many ways: Profile Changes (changes to profile), New Hires (recently adopted), Recent Departures (recently departed), Promotions & Changes (promotions & changes), Status Updates, Job Postings (jobs) and Products & Services (products and services). Note: we have noticed that this last functions do not always work equally well, hopefully soon there LinkedIn.
Follow a Company(follow a company). Top right you can click the button to "follow" a company. "Why would you want to do that?", was our first response until we on the small arrow next to the "Following" button pressed (= the same button as the "Follow" button once you've clicked on it). If you do, you'll see what will happen and can you refine how you wish to receive this information.
Content: "I want to be notified when"(I want to be alerted as):
Employees leave or are promoted or recruited, layoffs in the first 3 degrees of your network ("in my network" to them) or all employees ("all employees").This is very interesting information:
It helps to be informed when your contacts change position to congratulate them and to them first so ask you to propose to their successor.
If she wants to change them both to an organization you on their radar to possibly introduction questions as a supplier of their next company.
Or if you had with the purchaser and click No personal if that was the only reason why you have never done business with this buyer and that changes of position, then this could be perhaps a good impetus for you to see if you have a chance at the new purchaser.
New job opportunities (New Job Opportunities). If you're looking for a new job or someone helps to find one, this is an excellent way to be kept informed. Instead of having to search for every day on LinkedIn, you can get an overview new vacancies for all companies who follows you.
Updates of the company profiles (Company Profile Updates). This option is for most more informative than that they there is a direct benefit. But it can be interesting to see what new products and services a business to add his profile, what developments there are or what opportunities there might be for a partnership.
I want to be notified by Network Updates (I want to be alerted by network updates).
Weekly or daily Email digest:(daily or weekly email list). This concerns all companies who follows you.
Apply these settings to match your preferences. If you're looking for work, would you like to receive this information daily, but if you're just "curious", you want this information maybe just received via "Network Updates".
Check out insightful statistics about(Look for insightful statistics about) this company (on the right). When you click on this link you will come to a new page with information and statistics derived from the personal LinkedIn profiles and their behaviour on LinkedIn. There is a lot of information available, so take a look there. This is information that may be helpful:
You can find statistics about job functions (Job Functions), years of experience (Years Experience), training degree (Educational Degree) and University (University Attended). The "University Attended" statistics may be useful for recruiters as they do you see which universities campus recruitment: first, most employees have supplied (so that the potential is present) and then you can find colleagues who have studied there and yours can help with personal testimonies and a few connections. Maybe they want to also get involved with the campus recruitingteam.
Under "People also viewed" (people also looked to) you get a selection of other business profiles that were visited by people who also looked to the company where you are now looking at. Usually this will be yours direct produce counterparts (we prefer this word above "competitors"). These could be your next prospects!
On the right side of the page you will see "where employees came from before they joined" (where workers came from before she started at) the company where you are watching and "where they go afterwards" (where they go afterwards). This may also yield new ideas in terms of prospects.
A possible disadvantage of the use of "Companies" to find the right people is that many companies in different countries have different work or independent subsidiaries and have no clear strategy on LinkedIn here.
What is the result? For example: when you view the Company Profile of an international company with headquarters in the United States, you wouldn't be able to find the right people in Belgium or Netherlands. Why? Because you might get too many results or because they are linked to another Company Profile than what you are looking for.
So keep in mind that you don't always find the right information for you, but you certainly use the possibilities that LinkedIn Company Profiles in terms of offers!
PART - 6
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